Sunday, May 19, 2024




1           Nature too seems now dull and mute

          Has she become vexed with our attitude?

          Has she become averse to our treatment rude?

         Crammed by our selfish ways, she seems to refute

         Our so called ultra-modern living style

         Wherever man dwells, he tends to destroy and defile.


2.                     No poetic enchantments now we feel

       No heavenly mystical realms we see

       No holy meditations silent and free

       No musical wonders our voices reveal

       Nature seems static like a plastic bouquet in a jar

       Enslaved to tools, man moved away too far.


     3   Like machines we live and follow rigid rules

          Our acts and thoughts mechanized entire

          We bartered our souls, feelings and desires

          We made our children slaves to tools

          For wealth and power our own people we kill

          Desensitized kids view movies of murderous thrill 


    4.  Has Nature become lifeless and dead?

         Has she lost her charms and Promethean fire?

         No flash of noble thoughts she doth inspire;        

         Nature now viewed as stuff to garner wealth instead

         Why this perverted turn and empty phase?

         Why man like a beast drags his dull, dreary days?


 5.    In truth nature still shines in her pristine form

        Ever benign, bounteous with beautiful charm

        Our tarnished minds bereft of vision and calm

        Can’t view her with adoration and feelings warm.

        The modern world thinks eccentric and proud

        If man pours out his feelings in true colors loud.    


6.     We can’t speak out earnest from our hearts

        Behind the veneer of decency, our feelings we hide

        We tend to move with flow, not turn against the tide;

        In the vortex of dry routine, we are caught

        Bereft of free exchange, shrunken like frozen ice

        As civilized ones, we struggle to live in disguise.


            19-05-2024                  Somaseshu Gutala        



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

No Regrets


1.    We choose dreams which flit like cute butterflies

Sheer flying colors which seem so nice

Evading like floating snowflakes in wintry air

Provoking hidden hissing desires intense

They play like tempting glow-worms at our expense

                            No regrets ----

Time wipes them away foul or fair.


2.    We feel let down to see those vanishing mists

Within our mind; still, remain unending lists;

With growing age new hopes glimmer like distant stars;

With youthful zeal we leap unmindful of what we can

Ignoring present, we rush to grasp afar

                              No regrets----

Time shows what we deserve within our span.


3.    Our crooked crafty means lead us nowhere

Though winning it seems we have to bear

The ultimate ends—we can’t deceive;

Our grabbing minds our future can’t behold

We lose grip on what we possess and hold.

                              No regrets----

Time sets right our minds though we can’t perceive. 


4.    What we aim at we may not attain

New turns and twists to tread, no use to complain;

Though common it appears, our paths differ so wide;

No going back, stay firm and take them in your stride

Don’t judge yourself too low or high with egoistic pride;

                              No regrets---

Time knows what you deserve and then let time decide.


5.    Strange and mysterious our ends may seem

Far removed from what we cherish and dream;

Move with the changing times and do your best

With sincere efforts with no sense of greed

No binding concerns, no use to crib and fret;

                        No regrets----

Time knows your needs, play safe and proceed.


6.    No use to hanker and try to recapture past

Your past, a faded dream for ever lost;

You can’t impede Time’s swift and continuous flow;

You can’t undo what was done long ago;

Work with steady mind without tensions and sweating brow;

                            No regrets----

Just be yourself, whatever happens, let them go. 


7.    Impact of change seen everywhere

To persons and places; none Time will spare

Our earlier charms disappear soon like mist;

Our power, wealth and status subject to change

Old age curtails our caliber and range;

                    No regrets-----

Nothing, constant; losses and gains none can resist. 


8.    As age moves on, our stamina turns weak;

Our perceptions and senses become bleak;

Our health expenses multiply and grow;

Our links loosened, a lazy lonely feeling we feel

Some chronic complaints linger, incurable to heal

                  No regrets-----

Time ends all those troubles with life’s last show.


    08-05-2024               Somaseshu Gutala













Friday, May 3, 2024

Roses and the Moon





  Though you seem to deny my plea outright

  I blame Thee not; whom should I entreat, oh Lord!

 Whose firm support I seek, almighty God!

 None but Thee, Thou, unprecedented Power bright!

 Nothing happens without thy will and pleasure;

 Though dejected, can’t compel Thee to act

 Your will, insurmountable in fact;

  I can’t see the grace of Thy generous treasure;

 Like tidal waves Time swings our lives thrown up and down

 Into unexplorable depths beyond our thoughts;

 My past years wasted away like fallen leaves so soon

 Let me obey Thy will; no use to fret and frown;

 With growing age, life with many maladies fraught

 Be content; no craze for roses and the moon.

    03-05-2024                                    Somaseshu Gutala





Sunday, April 21, 2024

I dream of Thee, my Master Kind!




        I dream of thee, my Master kind! 

        So many days without thy sight

        Though cherished thoughts my soul did bind

        I felt left lone far from thy sight;

        What cruel blow did fate inflict?

        At such a tender age you quit

        As if virtue these worldly ills could not bear. 

        You left—our feelings who can share?

        I dreamt of thee in celestial light.

       Touching me with love, as my sight

       Overwhelmed with feelings too deep to find

       Their way in tears; Oh, Master kind!

       I felt the bliss of soul that blends with God

       Beholding all and give each, due reward.


      21st April, 2024                   Somaseshu Gutala

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Ode to my Master --- I I



1.    Once more, I bow to thee, Master great!

A greater joy I find in thy state;

The noble virtues graced in thee

With friendly smile and tranquility;

Humanized without a taint unkind

A rare example indeed I find.


2.    No pride of knowledge swelled thy brain

No egoistic show or stain;

No bragging bombastic style

Or flattering crooked guile;

Ever maintaining composure cool

Thy body, as you said, a worldly tool.


3.    For proper use to help others

Who are our own soul-brothers;

To refine our own indwelling sprite

To love our kindred souls and light

Their darkened lives with merciful rays

And make them tread in righteous ways. 


4.    Never found in thee, any trace of greed

Or stung with envy, a vicious seed;

Or splashed with clouded frozen gloom

Thy face- a sober sunny lotus bloom;

Not stained with angry staring eyes

Or vexed with cursing tone so high.


5.    No trouble upset thy yogic mind

Unperturbed and cool we always find

In thee, a balanced soul above the thrall

Of worldly snares and deceptive traps

Unshaken by unpredictable mishaps;

With a sportive smile you took all in all.


6.    Unlike the fools who cry for human aid

With hopes on fickle persons laid;

You never stretched your hand indeed

For help from others- a noble creed;

Guided by Godly call, you thrive

With equanimity you always strive.


7.    While others fawned for favors mean

Your actions match with what they mean;

You marched unconcerned far from craze

Like a majestic elephant sage;

Fate planned thy life in noble ways

Blessed by great masters you lived always. 


8.    With friendly sober looks you filled my heart

Though not so worthy, with noble thoughts;

Like a resting pilgrim under the shade

Your kind presence a lot of difference made;

Forgetful of trivial things of world I find

Thy blessed presence so soothing to my mind.


9.    With thy calm look and humane touch

You viewed beyond the human lurch;

A sense of wonder and bliss we feel

To hear thy voice swell like the Ganges with zeal;

No verbal ostentatious, empty show

You made us feel the innate sprite aglow.


10.      My Master Great! how can I praise?

   My lowly state, how can I raise?

   Thy blessings only I implore;

   Thy sacred touch within my bosom’s core;

   No spiritual realms I long.

   Thy sacred looks enough; accept my humble song.


   16th April, 2023                         Somaseshu Gutala     


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ode to my Master --- I




        1.       By gracious looks of God so kind

          Thy guidance unasked I find.

          Like a dream you flashed yet gone.

          To me, a vacant monotonous morn.


     2.            Though brief thy company, I store

         Thy words- a precious core.

         Outcome of gentle brooding skill

         Of contemplation with a divine thrill.


    3.           What we see not, you watched with clear

        Conscience and showed in acts indeed.

        You have wiped out many a tear

        With a gentle smile-- what more we need?


  4.                So busy with service to all

        You did not respond to my humble call;

        I complain not; a selfless soul

        Not confined to one creature’s goal.


5.                    Like heaven’s golden orb you shine

       To gladden all and refine

       Our thoughts—pure, crystal-clear;

       Your kindness brings all near.


6.              Thy Master’s glory in you we find

     A proof seen in your humble mind;

     God showered His grace on Thee;

     A godly teacher we find in thee.


7.           A wretched soul like me may not

   Aspire to such a sublime part;

   A drop of thy mercy enough for me;

   My call, though weak, Master hear me!


8.      With each and every passing sunrise

  I see thy blessed figure wise.

 Warm tears well up unsought

  Recalling thy noble acts.


9.     Though you spoke less, you patiently heard

 Our problems and complaining words.

 Your wise advice served as healing balm.

 Your friendly looks made our restless souls calm.

10.   Your healing touch gave much relief

        To suffering patients and removed their grief.

        A mystic force in thy hands gives us ease

        Which gives us what we lack true peace.          


  11.        I may not tread along thy way

Thy thoughts I like and will not stray

From your benevolent looks indwelt

My hardened heart ere thee doth melt.


  12.    How oft I felt enthralled to see

Men bow with reverence before thee!

How oft I heard thy words so wise and kind.

Soothing my anguished, ignorant mind!


   9th April, 2024                    Somaseshu Gutala

 Note : A Master means a noble, spiritual and religous-minded person who feels divinity and is not much attached to wordly passions. He treats every living creature with compassion, generosity. He does selfless service and finds delight in helping others. He is not greedy and avaricious. He spreads joy and serenity wherever he goes.



Monday, April 1, 2024

The Tender Touch





 1.            When I burst through womb of darkness dense

Into this coil of ignorance immense;

My childish wails she heard with love intense

She cared for me- a goddess in true sense;

She spread the fragrance of love like a rose

Her little elf, oh me, she chose.


2.    My wearisome pranks she put up with ease

Despite my fretful tricks, she did not cease

To treat me with her loving care;

She lavished all her love, a lion’s share;

The sweetest memories of love she gave

My reckless acts of youth she forgave.


3.    My youthful fiery temper swift slowed down

By buffetings of fate and destiny’s frown;

The muse with motherly love lulled me to rest

The wine of poesy on my parched lips she prest;

She pulled me out from these hard factual shocks

She soothed my soul, a fresh spring gushing from rocks.

4.    I strove through mad competitive world

I found meet haven in books which unfurled

Past glories with noble feelings suffused;

To throbs of misery, I got well used

A quiet limpid sublime strain I saw

In ancient masters great without a flaw.


5.    In flights of fancy myself immersed I got lost

And yet, no height of maturity I got

Whatever I felt I wrote without forethought;

A flood of momentary flash I caught;

New links of family ties engaged my mind

Through kids I relived my past that I left behind.


6.    Not a small measure of love from friends I had

They made me enjoy their company glad

An interval of mirth in them I found

Amidst the dreary mechanical round

Yet future seemed an unpredictable mist

Desires grow on- an unending list.


7.    The tender touch of warmth indeed I found

In family links though duties bound

Me fast with advancing age; I had

The luck of timely help from gracious Lord

The touch of righteous and wise souls who blest

Me with their noble thoughts and my heart imprest. 


8.    I wait for the tender touch of God

Before my warm breath leaves this dusty sod

His sin-dissolving touch so rare

If his mighty will condescends to spare

Ere the cold touch of dark mother’s kiss on my brow;

I wait, a lazy pilgrim for Him, though slow.


   1st April, 2024                  Somaseshu Gutala

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Returning home


          Dreaming of lily-smiles and rosy cheeks

          Showers of sapphire and lightning looks;

          A beckoning star with swelling sighs

          I tried to clasp a fistful of light;

          No greeting stretch of hands;

          A stiff-lipped silence

          A cold steel-grey stone-touch;

          I slunk aside in a neglected nook;

          No more I wished for cobweb dreams

          No more to diet on moonlight beams;

          Her dusky bosom heaved at once

          A creeping thrill in darkness dense;

          A wondrous miracle—I felt intense;

          I touched the fringe of bliss beyond myself

          Is it a dream or a mischievous elf?


      27th March, 2024                       Somaseshu Gutala


Thursday, March 21, 2024

A touching farewell




                           Without a touch I have to leave

                           No chance to flash a meaningful smile

                           Or a wave of hand.

                           Our house in traditional vein

                           Full with all our well-wishers

                           Our nearest and dearest kith and kin;

                           To wish them away

                           An unpardonable sin;

                           Every wall and window

                           Too busy with eyes, ears and tongues;

                           No scope for wishes and whispers-

                           I touched the filmy eyes of yours

                           With my palpitating heart;

                            I looked back at the unfulfilled dreams

                            That we left behind;

                            With Time’s onward rush unkind

                             I felt the stab of thy glance;

                             With a suppressed sigh, I made bold

                             A step forward

                             To attend the pulling urge

                             Of the routine, rugged life.


     21st March, 2024                                Somaseshu Gutala