Wednesday, May 8, 2024

No Regrets


1.    We choose dreams which flit like cute butterflies

Sheer flying colors which seem so nice

Evading like floating snowflakes in wintry air

Provoking hidden hissing desires intense

They play like tempting glow-worms at our expense

                            No regrets ----

Time wipes them away foul or fair.


2.    We feel let down to see those vanishing mists

Within our mind; still, remain unending lists;

With growing age new hopes glimmer like distant stars;

With youthful zeal we leap unmindful of what we can

Ignoring present, we rush to grasp afar

                              No regrets----

Time shows what we deserve within our span.


3.    Our crooked crafty means lead us nowhere

Though winning it seems we have to bear

The ultimate ends—we can’t deceive;

Our grabbing minds our future can’t behold

We lose grip on what we possess and hold.

                              No regrets----

Time sets right our minds though we can’t perceive. 


4.    What we aim at we may not attain

New turns and twists to tread, no use to complain;

Though common it appears, our paths differ so wide;

No going back, stay firm and take them in your stride

Don’t judge yourself too low or high with egoistic pride;

                              No regrets---

Time knows what you deserve and then let time decide.


5.    Strange and mysterious our ends may seem

Far removed from what we cherish and dream;

Move with the changing times and do your best

With sincere efforts with no sense of greed

No binding concerns, no use to crib and fret;

                        No regrets----

Time knows your needs, play safe and proceed.


6.    No use to hanker and try to recapture past

Your past, a faded dream for ever lost;

You can’t impede Time’s swift and continuous flow;

You can’t undo what was done long ago;

Work with steady mind without tensions and sweating brow;

                            No regrets----

Just be yourself, whatever happens, let them go. 


7.    Impact of change seen everywhere

To persons and places; none Time will spare

Our earlier charms disappear soon like mist;

Our power, wealth and status subject to change

Old age curtails our caliber and range;

                    No regrets-----

Nothing, constant; losses and gains none can resist. 


8.    As age moves on, our stamina turns weak;

Our perceptions and senses become bleak;

Our health expenses multiply and grow;

Our links loosened, a lazy lonely feeling we feel

Some chronic complaints linger, incurable to heal

                  No regrets-----

Time ends all those troubles with life’s last show.


    08-05-2024               Somaseshu Gutala













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