Sunday, May 19, 2024




1           Nature too seems now dull and mute

          Has she become vexed with our attitude?

          Has she become averse to our treatment rude?

         Crammed by our selfish ways, she seems to refute

         Our so called ultra-modern living style

         Wherever man dwells, he tends to destroy and defile.


2.                     No poetic enchantments now we feel

       No heavenly mystical realms we see

       No holy meditations silent and free

       No musical wonders our voices reveal

       Nature seems static like a plastic bouquet in a jar

       Enslaved to tools, man moved away too far.


     3   Like machines we live and follow rigid rules

          Our acts and thoughts mechanized entire

          We bartered our souls, feelings and desires

          We made our children slaves to tools

          For wealth and power our own people we kill

          Desensitized kids view movies of murderous thrill 


    4.  Has Nature become lifeless and dead?

         Has she lost her charms and Promethean fire?

         No flash of noble thoughts she doth inspire;        

         Nature now viewed as stuff to garner wealth instead

         Why this perverted turn and empty phase?

         Why man like a beast drags his dull, dreary days?


 5.    In truth nature still shines in her pristine form

        Ever benign, bounteous with beautiful charm

        Our tarnished minds bereft of vision and calm

        Can’t view her with adoration and feelings warm.

        The modern world thinks eccentric and proud

        If man pours out his feelings in true colors loud.    


6.     We can’t speak out earnest from our hearts

        Behind the veneer of decency, our feelings we hide

        We tend to move with flow, not turn against the tide;

        In the vortex of dry routine, we are caught

        Bereft of free exchange, shrunken like frozen ice

        As civilized ones, we struggle to live in disguise.


            19-05-2024                  Somaseshu Gutala        



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