1) The cop drove out
The sitting beggar
With his baton stout
And growled with power.
2) " Get out from here
Is this your plot ?
I say, at once clear
Out with your pot !
3) "Your face, though lean
I see it sore
With boils : I mean
Have you devoured
4) Sweet mangoes ripe
Too much ? Get Out !
You lousy lout !
If not, I'll Swipe !
5) The beggar smiled
An empty smile
A leaf that sways
In whatever way
6) The wind blows it !
He slowly limped ;
The fire within
Smoldered like sin .
7) Unheeding the words
Of sturdy cop :
" Rules sway, but Sir
Can you, cops, drop
8) Manna from sky ?
Of, course men die --
But manners make
A lot : Awake ;
9) Don't say to eat
A cake of dreams
When there's no bit
Of bread and cream :
10) Rules should rule out
Man's three problems;
If not, no stout
Baton can hem
11) The tidal grief
No Army Chief
Can bring real peace
No plans and pleas
12) To be soon done
In five and ten
Years can condone
The crimes ? Listen !
13) Just out of sight
Won't solve our plight ;
Pushing tatters
Under the blanket ;
14) Can you give bread
A thatched small shed ?
No use of might
To live, our right : "
15) The cop struck dumb
His baton numb :
The beggar stood his ground
Moved on his rounds .
Note : This poem written long back shows through the characters how power tries to suppress the problems by using pressure and force. But problems suppressed will aggravate into a stormy blast and create more explosive situations when power becomes useless and ineffective. Power should fulfill its obligations before it wields authority over others; otherwise Time will not allow it to persist long. Power should become a benefactor, not just a usurper and destroyer.
7th September, 2016 Somaseshu Gutala
excellent appa . loved reading it.