1) Our life seems like damn rush-hour city
No time for steady, cool and thoughtful mood ;
From dawn to dusk too busy, no time to brood
No lotus moments of sweet tranquility;
With clock-like precision we have to wake
Go through our chores, no chance for mistake.
2) Within full-curtained walls encaged we dwell
In glow of electric lights we spend our days
We gulp our breakfast soon to rush away
Shouting hastily a formal farewell ;
Struggling through crowded streets of deafening hell
Unnoticed and unnoticing, talking through cell ;
3) Like moving automatons do we stress
Mouthing code words like lifeless robots
We live in rutted channels so and so ;
Through loads of data like muzzled beasts we press
As systems crash and our inputs confound
In search of solutions we push round and round.
4) We grab our lunch and listen to our cell
Some idiot's tale of political cheat ;
Some sensual song impassioned with rugged beat
Some brutal crime done under drunken spell ;
We fly back to our cabins to sweat and fret ;
Like tangled flies in a poisoned net.
5) With formal smiles and empty feelings sham
We leave our work half-done and start our ride ;
Through swelling rush of cars at eventide;
Through unruly movements of vehicular jam
We reach our home dead-tired and drop down dead
One more day lost in life's tumultuous tread.
6) Our dreary tedium we can't express
Our dearth of feelings and of what to say;
We end our talk with bye,byes and dry Okays
We lost our lives in this confounding mess
To our nearest kin an sms we send
Saying too busy and no time to spend.
7) We bury ourselves in blankets blank
Faking amorous scenes and try to sleep
Disgusted at our dry excuses we heap
Counting our shares and savings in bank
Feeling secure we strive to dream in vain
As next day looms to repeat our routine again.
8) Have we lost our senses to feel ?
Blind to the colorful scenes around ?
Blind to the leisurely pace of Nature sound ?
Blind to see butterflies fluttering with zeal ?
Blind to chirping wings in dancing hues above
Clusters of trees dotting the verdant plain
With no touch of tension and greedy strain ;
How butterflies enjoy sweet honey from flowers !
How flowers dance to the cool thrill of showers !
10) Look how blissfully sing those birds on trees !
Look how unruffled move those streams so deep !
Look how silently graze those herded sheep !
Look how smoothly glide those white ducks so free !
No disturbing desires or restless state
They live with ease without nurturing hate.