Monday, October 26, 2015


Black Forest
Mountain Streams

The Bronze Deer
Devil's Valley
     Our next destination is the most fascinating sylvan heaven on the earth-- the Black Forest (Vohren Bach) in Baden--Wurtemberg in South-West Germany) at a distance of 172 kms. from Heidelberg. The name "Black Forest" (in German "Schwarz Wald) brings to our mind the mouth-watering Cherry Cake topped with chocolate cream, and the world-famous cuckoo clocks made of wood in artistic shapes and automated toy figures which move whenever the clock chimes.Apart from these this place is also famous for many native dishes and sports like skiing, hiking, ham boating and bike-riding etc. There are many resorts, spa centers and shelters to entertain tourists. As many highways pass through this region, tourism is one of the main sources of income for the people of this place. This forest is filled with densely grown black fir trees on a flat rocky mountain range over an area of nearly one hundred miles from Karlsruhe(S.W.Germany) to Rhine valley on the Swiss border. The whole forest looks like a mass of dark clouds lending a black hue to the whole area ; hence the forest got it name "Black Forest." This forest has many pastures, valleys, lakes, rivers and waterfalls with many pretty villages and picnic spots. The highest peak of this mountain is Feldberg which is 4898 feet high.

     Our Tour Manager took us to the "National Clock Museum", which has a clock workshop and a sales counter also. The process of making clocks and various types of clocks are displayed there. The salesman spoke to us in a jovial manner about the special features of cuckoo clocks. The earliest cuckoo clocks were made between 1740 nd 1750 in this region. He showed us one old clock which has only one hand showing hours. The early clocks worked based on a system of weights. All clocks are made of limewood whcih is durable and suitable for carving. The sound of cuckoo is heard along with other sounds depending upon the mechansim of the clock to indicate time.The clocks designed in shape of dancing couples and birds are quite attractive. There are different sizes and shapes in clocks and the prices range from 150 to thousands of Euros. Yet many people do not hesitate to buy these artistic clocks as cherished symbols of this most romantic spot.

Cuckoo Clocks

Clock Work Shop


Clock Museum
Cuckoo Clock


 Our Tour Manager told us that this forest was once the abode of beautiful stags and deer. But indiscriminate killing of these creatures led to their extinction. He pointed at the statue of a silver-colored bronze deer installed on the mountain valley as a token of remembrance of this red deer which jumped over the gorge and disappeared when it was pursued by hunters.This gorge  is called "Deer's Jump" (Hirschsprung) which is nine meters wide. This valley is very deep and is nine kms. long. Hence it is known by name "Valley of Hell."

Black Forest Horse

Hinterwald Cattle


  In this forest the most popular resort is "Titisee Resort." located on Titisee Lake. Another Lake Resort is on Schluchsee Lake. Many rivers originate from the hills and flow through this forest. The Danube River originates at the confluence of the Brigach and Breg rivers. Other rivers that flow through this forest are : the Enz, the Kinzig, the Nagold, the Neckar, the Rench and the Wiese. Among the waterfalls the Triberg Waterfalls and the All Saints Waterfalls attract many tourists. Otto Von Bismarck, the former Prussian and later Chancellor of Germany used to visit Triberg Falls whenever he wished to have relief from his busy schedule. Now you can imagine the heavenly beauty of this placed blessed with dense growth of trees, wide grassy plains, rich variety of plants and abundant flow of water through hills and valleys. Hinterwald cattle and Blackforest horses are well-known breeds of this region. The Hinterland cattle, the shortest breed in Europe, are well-adapted to survive in the severe cold Alpine climate and on steep hilly regions. They are bred both for yielding milk and for beef. The Black Forest horse is a local breed of this area. These horses are used for drawing heavy loads and for doing  work on farms. Now the are used for riding also.The people living in this region speak Alemannic and  Swabian dialects of German language. Amidst these most charming and picturesque surroundings we enjoyed a hearty Indian lunch along with delicious Black Forest Cake.The marvellous beauties of Nature stand before us so fascinatingly that we cannot but praise the sublime creative powers of God.

Delicious Black Forest Cake


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