Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University Library

 Later we travelled straight to view the most ancient university in Europe, the Heidelberg University established in 1386 by Rupert I, the Elector Palatinate of Germany. We have to content ourselves with an exterior view of this most famous citadel of learning which produced geniuses like Martin Luther, Hegel, Karl Jaspers, Alfred Weber and Christoff Schissler. There are nearly one hundred disciplines in this university and students from more than 130 countries come here to pursue their studies. The library in this university was founded in 1421 and has a vast collection of books. During the war of Palatinate Succession between the French and German troops (1689 -- 1693) the university and the town were completely burnt and destroyed. In 1803 Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden, re-built the university and renovated the town in a Baroque style with carved sculptures and artistic constructions.

Market Square, Heidelberg

Church of Holy Spirit


Closer view of the Hotel
 Hotel Zum Ritter St.Georg


 Heidelberg is a town situated in south-west Germany on the banks of the Neckar river. In 40 A.D. Romans occupied this region and built a wooden bridge across the river and set up a watch tower. After 260 A.D. the Germanic tribes drove out Romans. The old town with the market square surrounded by ancient buildings and with cobbled streets looks like a historic town in medieval times. There is a fountain in the market square called "Muenster Fountain" set up in memory of the famous humanist and cosmographer, Sebastian Muenster(1488-1552) of the fifteenth century.  There is another fountain in the market square called "The Hercules Fountain" set up in 1703 which symbolizes the strength and determination of the people who strove hard to re-build the ravaged town. Just on the opposite side there is an old Gothic church called "Church of Holy Spirit"(Heliggest Kirche) established in 14th century. Within the market yard there is an old building with fluted carved friezes and ornamental columns called "Haus Zum Ritter", the famous Ritter Chocolate House of long-standing reputation built in 1592. This building unravaged by wars remains as one of the beautiful mansions of the German Renaissance.

Hercules Fountain

Sebastian Muenster Fountain


Madonna Founain, Korn Markt

Closer View

In the center of the Corn Square there is a fountain called "Madonna Fountain" with the statue of Madonna with a golden crown. The water taps around the four corners of the water tank are made of copper, which acts as a purifying agent on the water that flows from them. Our Tour Manager informed us that merchants and sailors before travelling abroad, used to come here and pray before Mother Mary, who is believed to  protect people from dangers and calamities. Historically speaking this statue was erected by Jesuits in 1718 to motivate people of Heidelberg to switch back to Catholic faith. The Jesuits set up Mary's statues in different places giving support to the Count Elector who had been trying since 1685 to convert his people back to Catholic faith. But all his plans failed. This statue is an excellent example of artistic beauty. We left Heidelberg after drinking water from this sacred fountain blessed by Mother Mary.


   21st October, 2015                                                                   SOMASESHU GUTALA

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