1. Like tender
thoughts of love nourished and grown
Away from worldly
woes with care-free heart
stormy blustering blast of passions blown
You glide
like a lovely song of poetic thought
effortless wings through cool and crystal air
With graceful
ease on blue sky surface fair.
2. The colors of bashful
youth still linger light
On thy
cheeks with diaphanous delicate hues
As thou glidest free through
horizons bright
With gentle
tread scattering pearl-white dew
Over grey
hills, white mansions and green palms
Hanging like a pendant on welkin’s charms;
3. Where is thy goal?
Why wanderest thou and where
You look in
vain with deep blue crazy eyes?
Have you
forgot your home? How can you fare?
No easy path
with well-mapped response lies :
How can you
cross this endless mysterious maze?
This trackless
expanse beyond one’s gaze!
4. This misty domain
through which you pass reveals
Queer changing
shapes of airy shapes in vain;
Not only thou,
but numberless souls feel
Their aimless
wandering through this azure plain
Like faded
leaves driven by stormy gale
Looking for
clues with anguished faces pale;
5. Look, who invites you with endearing
Thy mother from
whose womb thou took thy birth;
Who gave thee
life and suckled thee in her arms
Who filled thy
heart with tender love and mirth
Who gave thee
precious life from her touch divine
Look, see her
bosom heaves for thee; a sacred shrine.
6. O’er mossy lawns, o’er dappled
hillocks brown
thin-bellied rippling gentle streams
You float on
arched wings of iris fresh-born
tinted shades through rain-bow gleams
Your pace
slows down and dissolves thy airy breath
Into pattering
drops to kiss the earth beneath.
7. Assuming various shapes through sunny beams
Quenching the thirst of trees and growing
Giving fresh lease of life to dried up
You travel unwearied at night till morn
Flashing lightning smiles and thundering
As blithesome drops of rain incessantly
8. Thy visit kindles warm light
of hope and love
Thou, messenger of God’s precious mercy
Our bosoms dance as thou decked with rain-bow
Dissolve thyself in thrilling ecstasy
Touch this earth with thy rapturous sounds.
The rush of swishing winds leaps out
of bounds.
9. Thou,
blue bird of heaven, come swift and soon
Thou, glory of God! Angel of generous grace
Throwing thy silver veil over the moon
Gladden our eyes with thy cool refreshing pace
Dissolve thyself from thy heavenly spires
In glistening hues of pearls and shining sapphires.
10. Descend slowly like a light snow-white swan
Descend, Oh cloud, in scintillating tears!
Tinged with rosy tints of awakening dawn
To kiss mother earth with devotion clear
Shed thy long-journey’s burden and recline
Settling thyself in peaceful cool weather
Note : This poem is a revised and improved version of the poem composed in 1971. It was very crude and not well-organized and was composed on the spur of the moment. Now I re-organized the poem and added some more thoughts to bring it to the present shape. In this poem the influence of Shelley's famous odes "To the cloud" and "West Wind" is seen. The cloud represents the journey of the soul in this world searching for its original home. Ultimately it finds its source in Mother nature from where it is sprung. The cloud also represents God's mercy and kindness towards creation. The cloud is the 'Angel of generous grace' and is 'the blue bird of heaven". It floats on arched wings of rainbow and showers rain "in glistening hues of pearls and shining sapphires."The cloud gives life to dried up streams and makes all happy with its rapturous dance and lightning smiles. The cloud is like a soul freed from raging passions and obsessions and finally settles itself in peaceful state of love and joy.
Ref : Iris = Greek goddess of "Rainbow"
Diaphanous = thin and airy; very fine
Dappled = marked with patches
scintillating = shining or exciting
6th october, 2017 Somaseshu Gutala

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