1) We live like distant impalpable shades
Beyond warm touch like souls in
Our spoken skills we gradually lost
To speak from heart, a thing of
2) We live in virtual world of magic
Tilting with shadows like
civilized fools ;
Our lives controlled by T.Vs,
Pads and Mobiles
We need not move but click with style.
3) To make up our failing power of speech
Queer signs and symbols within our reach;
Our technical jargon in jig jag
We pride ourselves in innovative maze.
4) Due praise to wonders of magic veil
We can’t but commend with
swelling zeal;
To see, to hear, to react in
various ways
Crossing the bounds of time
and space.
5) Saving our time, our toil and hard-earned
this not the greatest marvel found?
With lightning speed like
Ariel in legends
can communicate with all our friends.
6) And yet we lack the throbbing human
We let ourselves into this
tempting lurch;
We live like floating shadows
on the screen
Bereft of human touch like
ghosts dim seen.
7) Like dreamy figures we flit, we
chat and go
Throwing some symbols with
ostentatious show;
Are we computerized within our hearts?
Sending signals like creatures from unknown chart.
8) This E-world made us live like showy
Can networking links catch our bosom’s calls?
Our world, a cute, smart and
Circean device
No place for touch, warm hugs
and lively human ties.
Ref : Hades = Abode of the dead in Greek mythology
Impalpable= unable to be felt by touch
Impalpable= unable to be felt by touch
Ariel = a merry spirit in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" known for his swiftness and miracles.
Ostentatious = showy display
Circean = pertaining to Circe, a mythological enchantress who tempts people with her music and changed them into animals. Here it means very tempting and dangerously attractive.
18th February, 2017 Somaseshu Gutala