Thursday, March 6, 2025






1.    The bird went on piping in sweetest tone

Melodies sprung from her bosom with ease;

Though she knows that she is alone;

Her melodies melted waste and none doth please.

Still, she went on singing at night

As if to please distant stars and moon-light.

Like a traveler, who hums to himself at night

To divert his sense of dread as there is none in sight.


2.    The source of her song rushed swift like a fountain

Her swelling feelings she could not but restrain

A medley of diverse pleasures and pain

Her flowing thoughts within, she could not contain

Whether others heard or not she heeded not

She felt relief in pouring out her thoughts.

Lonely standing like a saint on her lonely tree

She poured out her feelings undisturbed and free.


3.    Her strange appearance, feathers and hue

Made her a stranger to other feathered friends;

None came near her, nor any help extend

She remained a visitor from distant realms new

None joined her company to sing or swing

Her strange voice did not attract and bring;

On a lone branch she perched steady and alone

None came forward to blend their voice with her tone.


4.    Her dreams, desires and hopes found way

In her sweet songs fraught with feelings deep

The whole vale echoed surrounded by summits steep

Yet none listened to her inspiring lays;

She heard her own rhythms with a sense of thrill

Which flowed with ease like a mountain-rill.

The whole valley responded to her charming tone

Transporting her to remote worlds unknown.


5."For whom will she sing?” you may ask.

In her world of music, she dwells

She sings with ease from her sylvan dell

In fading light at the time of dusk;

Her voice pours out her unfulfilled dreams;

Flowing effortless like a mountain stream;

She sings for herself to unburthen her feelings

Her soul reverberates with thousand meanings.


  6th March 2025                  Somaeshu Gutala









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