Monday, November 18, 2024

Golden Moments







 1.      The light of spluttering sparklers I see

In their bright jubilant eyes

The swirling whizz of rockets in skies

I hear in their shouts of joy with glee

The bursting blaze of red bombs resound

In their thunderous cries I found

The festival of merry colors and zeal

Their happy, happy laughter and shouts reveal.


2.  The sprouting fire-flowers from tinseled pots

     Brighten their laughing faces a lot

The whirling ground-discs with colors fraught

Make them leap with joy beyond my thought;

The hissing snakes from burning tablets of fire

The leaping sounds of crackers and sparklers inspire;

The leaping lads as crackers zip too fast so high

As if they seem to touch the brink of the sky.


3.     In spite of rocketing prices and limited means

Children with eager eyes look forward to burn

At least a bunch of crackers and none can spurn

Their zeal--since parents too are reluctant to wean

Them from this happy festive delight

To see them in bright light, a satisfying sight;

As they grow up, they may not feel same thrill

Let them enjoy these golden moments and chill.


4.   People may blame as wasteful expenses sheer

People may accuse as polluting atmosphere

Yet let them enjoy burning crackers green, no fear

A rare pastime for them once in a year

A special treat for them this bright event

Share joy with them though some money is spent.

Though they feel their happy hours end too short

This happy time remains ever in their hearts. 


5.     Elders can’t feel again their boyhood days

When they searched for left out crackers to light

Again, or collect colorful wrappers in daylight

But too much jubilation should not lead astray

With proper care and thought children should spend

Their merry time and not too long extend.

Let us their golden moments share with delight.

Even Nature with starry lamps brightens this night.


Note : 

1.Tinselled pots –flower-pots decked with colored paper.

2. Whirling discs of fire- circular shaped crackers that

    move round with bright colors shooting upward (Bhu Chakarms)                        

3. Hissing snakes – small black tablets when ignited 

                               send out curly snake-shaped soot.                                  

4. Red bombs –red-colored crackers when ignited 

                         explode with loud sound.                     


5.  Green crackers –eco-friendly crackers that do not

                                pollute atmosphere.


  18th November, 2024       Somaseshu Gutala

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