Friday, October 14, 2022






 1.            The blue expanse appears like endless time

A plethora of seashells glistened on shore

Like scattered feelings bizarre in bosom’s core;

Each shell, a crystallized experience prime

Felt long ago but lost in our lives though short;

Overwhelmed in life we never cared or thought.


2.     In the dark evening hours when all work is done

When restless routine subsides, we tend to feel

A lone wanderer searching for shells in twilight-veil

As if looking for missing threads from fabric spun.

Some may laugh at my crazy endeavour vain

And yet I feel compelled though others complain.


3.     So many multi-coloured queer shaped miracles

Of different moods- surprising unique objects I find

Imprinted on their hearts with unforgettable spell;

I strove to trace those treasures precious to my mind;

May be I have to face the wrath of roaring storms

Let me explore with mind unperturbed and calm. 


4.     Buffeted by waves of anger, envy and greed

Tender shells lie shattered on sandy coast;

Dashed and scattered by times to realms remote;

Hidden unnoticed in sea-weeds and thorny reeds;

The waves of oblivion bury them soon

Insignificant specks under the cloud-screened moon. 


5.     Once they glistened like pearls in warm sunshine

Sporting like children on the shores of placid seas;

Caught in the rush of mechanical life, they freeze;

They fell apart away from their happy domain;

Jolted out of their happy sea-green nest

Distanced from friendly ties, they fume and fret.


6.     Some may be fiery red with impulses hot

Some may be sea-green with crooked curved designs;

Some may be broken by whipping waves sweeping fast

Some may be deformed with curious curves too fine;

Some may be worn-out lacklustre looking grim

Some may be carved with hieroglyphs around their rim. 


7.     Engaged in pursuit of worldly power and pelf

Enticed by tempting luxurious trends and style

Enslaved to machines, we forget to speak and smile;

We lose our touch with past and inner self

We lose our memories, feelings and bonds

We become a dried-up lifeless city-pond.   


8.     Just like a weaver re-joining missing threads he left

To weave together strands into a cute design;

I seek to gather shells by tidal waves wind-swept

Let me bring together these curious shells that shine;

I may retrieve a few, my search is on, let me see

The shells shining like silver gleams beside the sea. 

Note : The shells represent our forgotten relationships, feelings and experiences which enrich our life and make our existence meaningful and humane. They make up the beautiful fabric of life and add charm to the texture of our life. In every human being there is an instinctual desire to search for his roots and relish those forgotten times.


   14th October, 2022              Somaseshu Gutala













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