( I )
hot, hot summer noon-hours
After wild western fiery showers
When none dares to walk out
When all in closed doors sigh out;
Hot breaths feverish, lying below
Fan’s hotter winds, pale faces yellow
Wishing cool breeze and dreamy winks
Cold water glassfuls every mouth drinks
Yawning “Lord”, everybody sinks
Mercury with a malicious blink
Shoots up as fatigued people snore
While people outside move out from doors
Covering their heads with cloth to
face the blazing sun;
Even birds and beasts for cool shelter
Summer-baked leaves fall down, nay
Huts, tents and houses burn and
hay-stacks dried;
Forge and furnace everyone seems to be
Wild deserts in burning eyes you see;
Rash-torn itchy skins, boils, sweat
and sun strokes.
Dried up ponds, lakes and wells black
as coke;
Not a glimpse of shining cool waters
in sight
A long line of empty pitchers show
people’s plight
Oh, is it Phaethon’s mismanagement!
Or sun’s sudden orbital displacement!
Houses hot like burning hot Arabian tents
Earth so horribly cracked and shreds dry-rent!
( I I I )
Even birds can’t bear this steaming draught;
Sweat-sodden faces crave for cooler nights
Still hotter winds blow with pollution’s
Like burnt dome of coal the dark night
seems now
Even lakes seem hot like cauldrons on a
People search for swimming pools and lakes
For juicy fruits and ice their thirst to
Water, sherbet, cold baths and fruits—
our summer’s treat
Cheer our sun-scorched faces in spite
of heat.
24th June, 2019 Somaseshu Gutala
Ref : Phaethon -- son of Helios, the Greek sun god. Challenged by his playmates to prove that he was the son of Helios, he insisted on being allowed to drive the sun chariot for a day. Phaethon was unable to control the sun horses. When the chariot scorched the earth by swinging too near, Zeus (the chief of Greek gods) hurled a thunderbolt to prevent the destruction of the earth. As a result Phaethon was thrown down to earth and was killed.
24th June, 2019 Somaseshu Gutala
Ref : Phaethon -- son of Helios, the Greek sun god. Challenged by his playmates to prove that he was the son of Helios, he insisted on being allowed to drive the sun chariot for a day. Phaethon was unable to control the sun horses. When the chariot scorched the earth by swinging too near, Zeus (the chief of Greek gods) hurled a thunderbolt to prevent the destruction of the earth. As a result Phaethon was thrown down to earth and was killed.
Note : In this loose
irregular ode, lines of varying length with couplet rhymes are used.The length of stanzas also vary in
length. Generally in odes complicated rhyme scheme is used to deal with a
complex theme.Here the simple couplet form is chosen and the woes of
blazing summer in tropics is the main theme of this descriptive ode.
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