1. Before
the sunset the hamlet
Withdraws from buzzing activities;
The birds nestled in cool, dense trees;
The village became calm
as a rivulet;
The bustle of beating
wings westward
The sound of crickets
from the sward.
2. The
wavy breeze doth gently play
Peace spread over all, no noisy sounds;
Under the tree, the
elders gather around
To talk of crops, cattle and rainy days;
The smoke of cigars and
cheroot uprose
Through star-studded
darkness in repose.
3. The
song of boatman shoots through silence
The sound of drums and
cymbals heard
In distant hut, a ritual proffered
To some folk-deity with
sweet incense;
A drunken husband’s shout
steals through
The thickening night as dense as glue.
4. Under
the thatched roof is heard
The tinkle of bells and
sighs too slow
From resting cattle in
the faint dim glow
Of fireflies beside the
bleating herd;
The hay- fresh smell doth
makes them swoon
Under the soothing light
of the moon.
5. This
pollution-free freshness soothes my mind
Touched by soft motherly
breeze so kind;
I closed my eyes and
merged with night
In deepest slumber in
cool moonlight;
Even the belated gull’s
cry moved me not;
The village slept in moonlight, a
heavenly spot.
4th February, 2024 Somaseshu Gutala