1) Far, far away from weary rut
For new eye-catching realms I yearn
Life here became a dreary din
A brief respite, a refreshing spin
Though tiresome it seems, a spurt
Of feeling for new places doth burn.
2) To meet new faces and new places fine
To feel the lilt of moving forward
To stretch my mind beyond this present
Routine with a sense of refreshment;
I may not touch the starry shine
At least to break this boredom hard.
3) I waited and waited with dreams full-blown
A vague mysterious feeling sown
No thought of expenses, though hard I feel
Yet once in a while, a joyous trip to heal
I dreamt of being an uplifted soul
To pen soft lyrics in a thrilling tone.
4) To shimmering foam of sea I rush
To stretch and cull cute curly shells
To plunge in russet-colored sun set
To move on soft sands dripping wet
To glance at blue horizon's hush
To hear the screams of streaming sea gulls.
5) 'midst rocks and crystal springs I'll spend
Relaxing on soft bed of grass
Absorbed in lush greenery around
Away from pollution and rattling sound
I hear a harmonious blend
Of music in zephyrs as they pass.
6) I'll sport with fields retreating with speed
As I move on the train with swinging thrill;
A happy time to view the distant scene
Of wavy tops of hills carpeted green;
The swish of fresh rustling breeze do I feel
The rising hills welcome as they recede.
7) As days rolled by, my heart beat fast
So much I hoped unmindful of wealth
To spend ; a treat for me to share the bliss
With near and dear; none seemed amiss ;
I feel the dream come true at last
I'm ready in good spirits and health,
8) Yet all my plans sank down like lead
Weak will and conditions not good
Hassled against my long-awaited trip ;
My plans gave me a shocking slip ;
I stand like a dry stump struck dead ;
Is it a folly to hope too much ahead?
26th June, 2015 Somaseshu Gutala
Note : For most of us travel seems to be one of the ways of relaxing
and taking a break from the dreary routine. Though Francis Bacon,
the famous essayist, says that "Travel in younger sort, is a part of education
in the elder, a part of experience", very few except scholars or scientists do
go with such preordained plans and motives. Most of us agree with
R.L.Stevenson's words: "For my part I travel not to go anywhere but to go;
I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." AS Seneca said "Travel
and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." So we make so many
plans . But sometimes our plans do not materialise, and we feel like the
traveller in Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken " who muses on the
the road he has not chosen.