Friday, February 21, 2025







 1.               A gift of heaven indeed this blessed state

To soothe our tired and troubled mind;

Indeed, God is so generous and kind

He is our never-failing everlasting mate;

Sleep makes us forget for a while our trivial things;

To forget deep buried unseen stings;

Even the utmost sinner forgets his flaws

In this undeciphered realm beyond our laws.


2.        On wings of fancy in sleep we fly

Conjuring new worlds that match with our desires;

We may reach highest zenith or bottomless mires;

We jump with joy or fear-stricken we cry;

Our tricky mind weaves a magic veil

Unperceived strange things she doth reveal;

We fulfill our wishes unfulfilled which we conceal;

A strange way of healing ourselves we feel.


3.        Evil dreams play havoc with our mind

Like naughty goblins mocking at night;

Dreadful dreams like thieves make us jump with fright

Our thoughts unrecognized lurk behind

Assuming frightening forms ruffle our sleep

We can’t explain or see their meanings deep

Evil thoughts and acts never leave us to enjoy respite

True peace we rarely feel--- not claimed as our right.

4.        Our tricky mind, the ringmaster a vital role plays

In this game of dream-disturbed night

True dreamless sleep, the prime gift of full delight

An image of inner peace of a pure mind, displays

A flash of our spotless soul in mysterious ways

A gift of heaven to say in brief

A few self-purging moments, give us relief.

Some dreams show our prospects as if to say “Beware”

Some dreams dissolve like vapor, left nothing to share.


5.        Some dreams, a prelude for creative work of art

Some dreams instruct us to change and transform

Some reveal the unexplored regions calm

Sound sleep opens our soul and the mystic chart

Of worlds unknown and strange secrets reveal

A sense of weight, unburthened of our worries we feel

Guilty minds with corrupt thoughts restless remain

Far away from sleep and her dreamy domain.  


6.        As age advances, we feel the burden of our past

Events reflected bizarre on our mental screen

The serene world of sleep evades our mind unseen

We sludge and strive with dreadful reflection of our acts

Unlike the virtuous souls who feel the touch of heaven

In the happy lap of sleep, very few chosen.

Deep sleep unruffled verily a precious boon

Who heals our mind like the cool rays of full moon.


21st February 2025                   Somaseshu Gutala









Wednesday, February 12, 2025






 1.                 Too weak they are to travel

    When and where they fall sick, none can foretell

    Others too busy to help them in their state;

    They are left out to their own fate;

    Yet they have to move to some places few

    The places they frequented, though not new

    They meet their doctors to check their health

    In their age to be in good state is true wealth.


2.       Tethered to their old habits, they don’t say “No”

  When they visit temples, their faces glow

  Where they feel happy and peace around;

  They love to hear the priest’s chanting sound;

  They feel content to drop some coins to beggars there;

  With old people, their experiences they share;

  At inner sanctum with deep devotion, they stare

  A sense of promise they feel from idols there.


3.      Sometimes to nearby parks they used to go

 Glancing at ducks and lilies floating slow

 By chance they used to meet their friends and chat

 To know about their health and recollect events past

 In this world of noisy rush and heat

 The gardens and temples, a holy treat;

 They share with those who have patience.

 To know their experiences and feelings immense.



4.     Of past events, youth may not like to hear;

 To them, these seem to belong to another sphere.

 Like old birds in winter-worn forests deep;

 Youth may seem too busy and pretend to sleep;

 Entombed in memories the old seem to dwell

 Gone are the days of zeal and magic spell;

 This generation seems too fast and smart

 Old people’s words, seem not so impact their hearts.


5.    Their age and state not fit and strong

Though they desire, they can’t so travel long

They are content to watch places on T.V.

 In clear perspective without envy

 In still, dark night they wake up to review

Their acts and deeds—their needs too few;

 Like old hermits estranged in caves and forests far

They try to live with few desires wherever they are.


6.    Like caged creatures within four walls, they stay

Like static railway coaches, immovable they are;

Their children like engines take them to near and far

 No more can they move out and have their way;

 Once they used to move at their wish and will

Taking children wherever they demand with thrill

 Now, like sky-bound astronauts they cannot land

They have to follow their children’s command.


   12th February 2025                  Somaseshu Gutala


















Monday, February 3, 2025

Awakening God




1.     With sweet melodious music divine

        In cool, rosy hours of dawn with flower-fresh shine;

        I wish to waken Thee, Oh Lord and greet

       With garlands and incense smelling sweet

       With tinkling symbols and soul-stirring strains;

       No serene climate in this crowded domain  

       No lilting smooth sounds of music I hear

       A hasty clutter of feet and blaring horns mere.


2.    The noisy roads revel in medley sounds

       Their cacophony crossing the bounds

       In midst of this chaos, you calmly dwell

       As if in serene Himalayan dell;

      While people come to Thee watching their cells

      Holy silence, not at all found in this hell

      How can I wake Thee up with devotion

      While rushing sounds create confusion?

 3. In temples the devotees devoutly pray loud

    Thy thousand names with devotion proud

    Not giving a chance for others to pray

   The incantations of priests lost in their noisy fray;

   The temple, a place of sincere love to God

   Turns a complex conglomeration of sounds oh Lord!

   A place where people chat, laugh loud with zest

  To show their zeal they strike the bells loudest.

4.When city tired, sleeps calm in nightly hours

  When darkness lulls drunkards and tired lovers

  When cool breeze wafts from distant hills

  When foggy pollution spreads and fills

   I feel Thy Presence in my bosom’s shrine

   A meet timing to wake Thee up from slumber divine

  With unheard melodies of rapturous pipe

  With music sweet, as sweet as mangoes ripe.

 5.How can sages become so steady and calm

    Like hills sublime with ineffable charm

    Unperturbed by distracting din of sounds

    Their yogic trance transcends our worldly bounds;

    Oh fool! how can one think that God needs sleep

    Who rules over stars, sky and mighty deep?

    In tiny atoms and in huge whales, his power abides

    His omnipresence watches all and safely guides.


       3rd February 2025                 Somaseshu Gutala