Sunday, January 26, 2025

On Sharing Books







1.    Here the vast store of knowledge lies in rows

Noblest musings and thoughts in one place

The mount of Olympus with Muses nine here stays;

In fresh- bound volumes, what a splendid show?

Like caged birds in glass-sheeted cupboards

A whole mass of inexhaustible load

Even to count them many days it needs;

New members added on various themes and creeds.


2.       "None should dare to touch them", writ on board

     Like a cautious fire-spitting dragon he guards

Glancing at each treasure with warm regards;

None should come near this accumulated hoard

So many lives we need to go through this vast

Expanse of knowledge, inestimable-- its cost;

With great efforts he amassed this precious treasure

He allowed none; to look at them, his sole pleasure.


3.         He multiplied his treasure day by day

No stone left unturned to collect a lot;

A rich repository of knowledge he got

None should touch his wealth he used to say

Like a conglomeration of stars they shine

Inaccessible to others, a diamond mine;

He is reluctant with his rare books to part

To another world, he can’t take them he bought. 


4.     He read with interest keen and spent many hours

Reading large books resting in his armchair

Closeting himself from daily works and cares;

He found no time to gaze at hills, brooks and flowers

Burying himself like a mole, much knowledge he got

He found no time to chat and share his thoughts.

His ambition to gather more made him even to dare

Ever he grabbed books-- never dreamt even to share.


5.    Sharing books with others means sharing noble thoughts

Ideals sublime, and feelings of noble hearts;

Sharing, a worthy act of helping others a lot;

Influencing others’ attitudes and their acts;

Due to fear of losing his rare gems he did decide

Not to give away any book from his treasure, his pride;

At least he could demand precious books in return

Till he gets back his precious possession.


6.    To feel the touch and the smell of printed page

In this digital age, to own books a great

Thing indeed and deserves due praise to state;

Makes one happy and takes him back to bygone age.

When people reveled in reading and writing skills

When people felt proud of their books with thrill

Now scarcely seen such patience in booklovers few

Fondness for books, not seen in this generation new.


7.    Let us spend at least some cash to sustain

The noble act of reading books that gives perpetual calm

A due balance between digital and printed forms

A useful spending of time and nourishing the brain.

This precious heritage let us pass on and train

Our next generation to read and knowledge gain;

Books are life-long friends and masters that lead

They are pole stars and voice of noble souls indeed.


26th January 2025                         Somaseshu Gutala







Saturday, January 18, 2025






1.     We live like ghosts away from human touch

  Stark reality we scoff and hate

  As slow, not smart—a sluggish state;

  Our technology we boast so much

  In virtual world we wish to dwell

  Confined to computers, tabs and cells

  Like beasts cramped in impregnable cage

  We love to live in a complicated maze.


2.     Too lazy we are to use our bodies and move out

 We have become too static and stout

 Depending on machines to solve our doubts

 Our human relations slowly fade out

 We need not go to office, work and talk

 With others or go for a friendly walk

 Fast vehicles we have wherever we to go

 In this faster society we hate to be slow.


3.    Onslaught of gadgets made our work so swift and fast

We are too lazy to draft, count and write

Default-letters and mails made our work very light

Our writing skills and personal style we lost

Our fingers feel reluctant to pen our thoughts

The skill of calligraphy is a thing of past.

In writing, thoughts flow out from our heart

Our sensations respond with intimate touch a lot. 


4.    Our stamina disused lose vigor and will not be smart

 Bombarded by ready-made and go-easy ways

Our innate spirit and skills do they replace

Our instinctive talents in digital web caught

Our artists challenged by quick-machines a lot;

Our working style is perturbed and distraught;

By this fast-paced, fast, digital onslaught, a lot

With zillion bits of information vast.


5.  Surroundings shape our living, heart and mind

Depending ever on artificial machines;

Our response too turns mechanized and routine;

So dry and so shallow that others cannot find

The meaning and purpose of what we write or read;

We lose mutual trust and understanding indeed

The golden wand of inspiration we really lose

Our style becomes too dull, diffuse and loose.


6.   Technology made our world, a miraculous sphere

    Widened our perceptions and enhanced our powers;

    Created new hybrids, crops, creatures and flowers;

    Yet took away our peace and bred impending fears

    Of nuclear war, selfish nature and mistrust

    Enslave not your conscience to pleasure and lust

Let us put this God-given power to good use

Not for destruction, unrest and misuse. 


7.    Though made easy our work, these devices tear

Away our earning means and left men in despair

Our innate skills and talents shrink away and wear;

To banish livelihood for gains is not just and fair;

If all your labors go in vain, how do you feel?

All your service ignored and thrown like a peel

How many lives driven away with least concern!

A bolt from the blue, a stunning tragic turn!


8.  Machines should not make us ciphers mere

   Without human feelings, progress sheer waste;

    A ruthless competition leads to greed and hate

    Don’t drudge like slaves without plan clear

    Use devices with due restraint and purpose

    Don’t lose your worth and values and become worse

    Don’t live like virtual ghosts and lifeless tools;

    Hone your own skills and live with righteous rules.


               **** ------------------- ****

    18th January 2025            Somaseshu Gutala














Sunday, January 5, 2025

Musings of a cheated husband




                 There is deception in the air I breathe

                 There is pollution in the water I drink

                There is poison in the food I take

                The sky above me seems to fall

                The earth under me seems to shake;

                Uunseen deceit seems to creep under my seat;

               The tie around my neck seems to become

               A hanging rope to strangle me;

              My new shoes seem to pinch my foot;

              The pet dog that licks my boots

              Seems to leap and assault me;

              My love has turned a corpse

             To clasp me in her coldest grip;

             The blade I shave with

             Stole half the hair of my upper lip;

             The mirror I stand before

             Mocks at me with an image crooked thousand-fold;

             My own feet seem to stamp my name down

             My own hand seems to set fire to my fame;

             My own finger seems to prick at my eyeball;

             My better half committed the grievous folly;

             Oh, God! My own children I think as mine

             Seem to share not my flesh and blood


Telugu Original by: A. Surya Prakash

           (Patita Pati Aantarangangikamu)  

Translated by : G.Somaseshu                   5th January 2024