Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bringing Ganesha Home




 1.    A colorful group of elephant faces in rows

A festive attraction to all eyes;

Each one tempting as if all we can buy

In various shapes and sizes, a splendid show

A picturesque omnipresence of Lord we find.

In every corner and nook, generous and kind.


2.    Some in saffron and some in tinted red

And some in burnished in gold and some in silver shade;

And some in blue and some in black clay made;

And some in purple and some in gray -colored lead.

A plethora of colors here on display;

Not custom-bound but in artistic creative ways.


3.    In dancing pose with one foot raised, the Lord is seen

Another one playing on lyre, on harp or flute;

Another one playing with kids like a baby cute;

Another one dressed as a saint with face serene;

In garb of a scientist or a cosmonaut there

As if Lord is see in every being and everywhere.


4.    People feel their Lord as very close to their hearts

A fun-loving, friendly, forgiving God;

Though sketched and caricatured as a lad

To show people’s flaws, foibles and guilty acts;

A message of love, joy and equality shines

Through these eye-catching idols divine.


5.    Each idol shaped in its own thoughtful, artistic light

In different shapes and colors painted bright;

Shown on different mounts, a thrilling sight;

Shining on a swan with snowy wings milky -white

Seated on the sturdy bull, the Lord is seen to ride   

Seen with an ash-grey petty mouse beside.


6.    On the lotus-seat the Lord is like the rising sun

     Shaded by serpent hoods, the Lord showers His grace;

On sacred Garuda armed with the discus and mace

The Lord is seen with gold jewels adorn;

Along with His consorts on golden throne

Flanked by white elephants, the Lord is shown.


7.    Seated on sturdy lion the five-faced Lord is seen

With various weapons in his ten arms;

The valiant Lord attracts with radiant charms;

Protecting devotees from evil powers mean

The most powerful figure of lord bold

Shining like a thousand suns, behold!


8.    Borne by peacock the Lord appears benign

Blessing devotees with his upraised palm;

Like Krishna, he plays in child-like form;

In the lap of his beloved parents divine

He plays the scribe beside the Vyasa sage

The Lord fought with the demon to subdue his rage. 


9.    The Modak in hand shows thy bliss and nature kind;

 Thou, concrete symbol of OM, the sacred sound;

The cosmic force as serpent around thy waist is bound

The fickle rat stands for egoistic, greedy mind

Thy broken tusk reveals thy noble sacrifice

The crescent on thy crown divine glow signifies.


10  We feel as if we saw the cosmic universe

      A spell-binding charm in these idols we find

      Lord of knowledge and Nature! Majestic and kind

      Content with leaves, you give blessings immense;

      God of gods, make our fields and orchards fertile

      Bless us with peace and let us not Nature defile.


Note: Lord Ganesha is considered as one who removes obstacles and confers success in efforts of all beings in the universe. So, he is worshipped first before starting any work, ritual or ceremony. As the beloved son of lord Shiva and Parvati he is revered as the Lord of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and all arts. He confers Buddhi (discrimination) and Siddhi (fulfilment) in any effort. He is the symbolic representation of OM, the primal sacred sound or the unmanifested form of Parabrahman. The Modak in his palm shows him as the bestower of bliss. According to Puranas there are nearly thirty-two manifestations of Lord Ganesha. All worlds are embodied in his pot-belly and his elephant-head stands for intelligence and knowledge. Though he is almighty God, he prefers simple form of worship. He is content if he is offered blades of grass, wild flowers and fruits. Of course, Modak is his favorite dish. As the God of agriculture, he is worshipped by peasants before starting their farm work. Students also pray to him for his blessings to get success and knowledge in their studies. 

The festival of "Ganesh Chaturdhi" is celebrated in India and in many other countries with great enthusiasm and devotion. This festival is celebrated for nine days with great pomp and show. Many cultural activities and poojas are done. This is an occasion for all people to get together and worship Ganesha. Large idols of Ganesha are set up under tents in many places with floral decorations and bright illumination. On the tenth day the Ganesha idols are taken in a procession and immersed in ponds, rivers and streams. The statues made of plaster of paris and other artificial material cause water pollution and harm to many fishes and water plants. Instead of harming Nature with pollution, eco-friendly idols of Ganesha with organic colors are better worshipped, so that Nature and our surroundings should be protected. 


   21st Septmeber, 2024                 Somaseshu Gutala








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