1. Childhood, a vital phase in life
Untouched by passions and strife
Let us make it a delicious one
Filled with love, freedom and fun.
2. Habits impact their health and mind
In creative arts and let them find
Truths and morals through fancy strange
For tales and myths expand their range.
3. Pollute not minds with false status and show
Character, precious gem, they have to know
Let them value money and time
Their prime duties and morals sublime.
4. Let them not be ducks glued to mobiles and
Let them watch Nature with keener looks
Not just pleasures enough to provide
Help them extend their vision wide.
5. Spend some time with them and enquire
Their thoughts and tastes to inspire
Use not brute force but win their hearts
With gentle words and convincing tact.
6. Mother’s love and mother tongue precious
Immeasurable joy it brings;
With electronic tools we kill
Their searching skills and thrill.
7. No springs of love from near and dear
No time to watch their hopes and fear
Can a vast store of toys make them glad?
A status symbol, a mere modern fad.
8. Far away from their local roots
They may appear exotic and cute
The bonds of kinship they have lost
They are ignorant of their past.
9. Caught in the web of internet
Like insects trapped in spider’s net
Exposed to more evil than good
They stray away in a pathless wood.
Let them not watch tales of horror and crime
Let them enjoy legends in prose
and rhyme;
More than books and movies,
your words and acts
Impress your minds and watch how you react.
When parents addicted to media tools
How can they dictate children
Whom can they blame or control
By their example they play a
vital role.
Children’s perceptions fresh and strong
One should not induce notions
Like plants exposed to foul
Their minds too wilt and
No songs, no dance, no play
Childhood, no more, a golden
A rigid schedule their minds to
No time to dream in realms of
14. Quarrels between couples upset their minds
Be patient; let them domestic
peace find;
Fights and strife make them
rough and hard
Their minds filled with hate and discord.
Give them freedom, be not too kind
Too much pampering misleads
their minds;
Set your ways and acts on right
No use if you teach what you
30th september, 2024 Somaseshu Gutala