Saturday, May 23, 2020




    1)   All of a sudden, silence profound
           Not even a hum or beeping sound
           No lifts, no whir of kitchen gadgets I heard
           No shout of excitement, not even a word.

  2)      No T.V. no mobile, no megaphone loud
           Dumb stillness spread around like a shroud;
           No mad craze as all systems crashed
           All work force-stopped, none madly rushed.

3)        Hands busied themselves in household chores
           Cooking, washing and sweeping the floor
           Kids used their brains to count and write;
           No mechanical help with solutions straight.

4)        Men passed their time in strolling through green
           Watching the colorful sunset scene;
           The roar of speeding vehicles disturbed no more
           No more deafening music from all sides pours.

5)       No smoky pollution all around
          No vehicles – all have to walk on ground;
          No costly restaurants there to dine
         Only home-cooked victuals tasting fine.

6)     Nature seemed free from man’s greedy grip
        Rivers flowed with fresh waters to sip;
        Nature’s boundaries none can skip
        Our false pretensions we have to strip.

7)     Men stayed at home cool, unruffled minds
        Close intimacy in their families find;
        Young kids no more tied down to books and mobiles
        Go out to play in lawns with spirits agile. 

8)    If all systems fail, what will remain?
       What use these devices and instruments vain?
       Nature’s gifts don’t underestimate
       On nature depends our survival and fate.

9)    Our so-called safe systems smashed in a flash
       And all our gadgets seemed to be trash;
       All our knowledge advanced has failed futile
       We have to change our views and living style.

10)  No more speeding flights, no electric lights
       No luxury cars and caravans in sight;
       Each limited to his home and country farm
       Should work to earn, no rushing traffic jam.

11)   All is not gone; be not submerged in gloom
        Still we have to live- no danger or doom;
        Had not our ancestors lived in conditions worse?
        They found joy in hard work and not in easy purse. 

12)   With changing times adjust thy pace
         Creativity blossoms in many ways;
         Realize your potential and use your mind
         Harmonize with Nature generous and kind.

13)    Like devouring dinosaurs with monstrous size
         You destroyed Nature for gains unwise;
         Leading to this catastrophic surprise
         Polluting Nature under technological guise.

14)    Our ancestors combined beauty with use
          A sense of devotion in everything did fuse;
          No mindless destruction or misuse
          Nature’s gifts they enriched, never did they lose.

15)     This swift astounding change may possibly bring
          A new era with a fresh new beginning;
          A new vision with a new attitude
          A new Atlantis with wisdom imbued.


           23rd May, 2020                            Somaseshu Gutala

Note:  Once in our locality there was a sudden break down of power supply. Dead  silence I felt in our building which used to have a variety of sounds emanating from various gadgets besides the sounds of bikes and cars. I visualized an imaginary situation of the city if all systems fail including internet and automobiles. What will be the reaction of an ordinary person in such a situation?   Of course man has to rely on his own abilities and mutual co-ordination. The sudden cessation of activities will surely make man observe his surroundings and persons to get an intimate understanding. Cut off from electronic devices he has to rely on books and other written material. He will come to intimate terms with Nature and derive pleasure to behold her charms and her valuable lessons.The precious value of manual labor and involvement will be understood. He has to give up his dependence on machines and hone his own skills to face life's challenges. He has to activate his creative skills and talents. This "catastrophic surprise" may happen due to man's destructive instincts and his overambitious, exploitative attitude towards Nature. Man has to adjust to his new circumstances for his ultimate survival and recognize the truth that his survival is closely linked with survival of other living creatures and protection of Nature.

Ref :  Atlantis -- An imaginary place mentioned in Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" where once a highly advanced civilization existed. But the inhabitants of that place became greedy and morally corrupt. The  gods became  angry and destroyed the kingdom for the people had lost their way and turned to immoral pursuits. This island kingdom sank into the ocean around 9600 B.C.

        New Atlantis -- A Utopian novel published by Sir Francis Bacon in 1627 after bacon's death in 1626. This book describes a Utopian world  where people lived ideal,peaceful, enlightened lives.



Sunday, May 10, 2020




  1)   A long line of trekkers in scorching heat
        Not for pastime, their sweating faces reveal
        Deprived of jobs, life’s ends they could not meet;
        Their sorrows and troubles none  did feel;
        Their battered lives thrown like orange peels
        By their so-called masters with selfish deals.

2)     All ways blocked, no vehicles to return
        Hounded by ruthless rules, no way to turn;
        With starving families their bosoms burn;
        They took to streets as no one showed concern;
        They trudged on roads like frightened beasts
        Carrying loads with none to care at least.

3)     Cut off from homes and from their kith and kin 
         They struggled for minimum wages to earn
         In city’s slums they dwell with dust and din;
         Not for royal luxuries they did yearn;
        This pandemic threw their lives out of gear
        No help and support for them from anywhere.

4)    Trekking hundreds of miles with loads on heads
       A long line of migrant  workers from different states;
       Resting on wayside farms and in broken sheds
       Just like beggars left alone cursing their fate;
       Is this the due reward for their incessant strain?
       For their hard industry what did they gain?

5)    The city drained their strength in selfish ways
        Rejecting them in times of troublesome days;
        Drove them out from their slums, nowhere to stay
        Depriving their due benefits and pay;
        None cared to see their deplorable state
        The city locked down shutting their gates.

6)    The city prospered feeding on their blood
       The city squeezed their fruits of toil to gain;
       The city let them suffer and struggle in a flood
       Of miseries, disease and starving pain;
       Left them like refugees in alien deserts lost
       Made them return to home with tragic thoughts.

7)   Some died of starvation on their way
      Some fell down sick exhausted and weak
      Some could not bear the heat of blazing day
      Mired in poverty their future seemed too bleak;
      Some were whisked away back to shelters dim
      Cooped up to spend their days in situation grim.

8)   Returning to their homes, their cherished dream
      To live or die there, their final goal;
      None cared to hear their woes, their agonized screams
      None recognized their toil, their vital role;
     Their families pestered with ailments and pain
     Their strenuous stay brought them nothing to gain.

9)  Their travelling ordeal moved many hearts
      Their tears and cries, a shameful curse
      On those who treat people with heartless thoughts
      On those who cared only for their power and purse;
      What these poor people need only quick relief
      And liberal help to lessen their grief.

10) In these times of sudden adversity
       Let us extend our help to suffering men
       Our support in testing times of necessity;
       Inhuman to leave them in lurch and shun;
       Save these trekkers from their stress and strain
       Let powers act, not speak mere platitudes in vain.


  10th May, 2020                                    Somaseshu Gutala