Friday, June 21, 2024

The Lost City









1.    A city with lakes spreading thousand petalled delight

Filled with lotus blossoms red, blue and white

Welcoming flying birds with feathers bright

With nimble swimming colored fish in waters clear

With soft fragrant breezes in tranquil atmosphere

The banks dense with green trees and charm

In brief, a fit paradise pure and calm.


2.    A city with teeming parks and rows of trees green

With pure salubrious cool breezes clean

A city well-known for beautiful flowers

With plenteous water and drizzling showers

Where tourists come to escape from blazing heat

A city with wide pathways smooth and neat.


3.    A city with thriving commerce and trade

Where various artists their talents displayed

Where industries rose without harming Nature’s wealth

Without endangering public health

Where royal patrons inspired modern trends and change

Without violating tradition and cultural range

Where people from different regions live in peace

Sharing their skills and live with harmonious ease. 


4.    Where are those thousand blue lakes gone?

Where are those gardens and trees that once shone?

Where are those spacious lawns and bowers green?
Where are those pools and shining wells serene?

Where is that balmy cool breeze fresh and soft

Where are those cool arbors and historic spots?

No merry twittering cheerful sounds of birds I hear

No space to walk through, enjoying fresh air, I fear.


5.    What made this cool paradise vanish into thin air?

What now I see a dry, congested city beyond repair

A confused maze of buildings with no space between

Unplanned cancerous spread of skyscrapers seen

The fabled lotus-laden lakes with breezes cool

Encroached and shrunken to stagnant pools.

Gardens and lawns displaced by shops and noisy trade

No broad-branched trees spreading panoramic shade.


6.    The highways choked with vehicles, too hard to pass

For hours waiting too hard for people to cross

So many hurdles, too exhausting we feel

The curse of unplanned vision, ignoring public weal

So many lives are lost in this mad rush of traffic indeed

Hasty decisions of selfish minds often mislead.

Now not so easy to set right this chaotic state

Impossible to restore vast space and lakes, too late. 


7.    Most of the lakes vanished; those that remain

Became cesspools where effluents are drained

Swelling with fluffy clouds of foam befouling air

No water springs; an arid stretch of blocks everywhere

Thousands of trees hewn and burnt for enough space

For buildings, firms and malls leaving no trace

Loud sounds, tall mansions, and cars, people deemed

True progress: lost treasures of Nature can we redeem?


8.    Dried up borewells and rivers and no water-trace

Dry weather with burning heat people have to face

The city overcrowded cannot meet our needs

Traffic rush, pollution and diseases it breeds

Too many firms and industries spoiled the charm

Raising so many problems, dangers and alarm;

Can we bring back the former glory of the past

In this pollution-ridden congested city vast?


  21st June, 2024                  Somaseshu Gutala

Note : The future fate of any modern ultra-modern cosmopolitan city in our country is portrayed here. Overurbanization with commercial attitude and lack of planning and vision, makes our cities congested and unlivable. Unless urgent and timely measures are taken the modern cities are bound to face many problems which will affect our future generations and disturb the equilibrium of nature endangering the existence of flora and fauna. So let us pay heed to the warnings given by scientists and technological innovators and live in harmony with Nature and limited sources available to mankind.






Saturday, June 8, 2024




 1.       All of a sudden,  power goes off

           All of a sudden, all signals stop;

           All communications cut off

           All transactions suddenly drop;

           No phone-calls, no messages, no T.V.s

           No whirring sound of gadgets, no movies.


2.        The whole city submerged in darkness, dark as hell

           Every dwelling became a prison-cell;

           The whole town plunged into pell-mell;

           No technology showed its magic spell;

          How many days people stay without illumination?

          Like cave-men searching for light in a den.


3.       People forgot their basic skills and needs;

          They solely relied on machines and tools

          To get their work done with effortless speed;

          Now no more can they enjoy and be cool;

          Dire necessity drove them crazy and mad

          They searched for candles with heavy feelings sad.


4.      They came out of their narrow suffocating cells

         To breathe fresh air and view the wondrous sight

         Of myriad stars shining like candles at night;

         They felt the touch of fresh, cool air and felt so well

         They fell into deep slumber and forgot their strain

         The touch of Nature rejuvenated their spirits again.


5.      Till now, heads down and glued to their lifeless tools

         Silent and stiff-lipped they lost their natural ways

         Of communion with others for so many days;

         Little they felt their feelings and slogged like fools;

         They enslaved themselves and lost their talents;

         Depending on machines, too many hours they spent.


6.     Their voices felt free to exchange their thoughts;

        Of their feelings with friends and their neighbours;

        They searched for apt phrases with earnest hearts;

        They felt a new sense of freedom, mingling with others;

        A new change in their outlook in intimate touch;

        Can machines better and foster their bonds so much? 


7.     With Keen perception surroundings they did behold

         No sense of haste, no machine-driven speed;

         At their own pace they worked with no sense of greed;

         They found a sense of freedom form routine-hold;

         Uncluttered by too many facts they tried to revive

         Their latent skills in order to survive.


8.      A short break from their dreary routine

         Gave them respite to see neighbouring sights;

         Never they felt so happy in watching fields and farms;

         Each tree and bush seemed so uncommonly serene;

         A sense of kinship with Nature unaware they found

         Free from deafening city’s blaring sounds.


9.      Unguided by too many technical tools

         A fresh vision they acquired from restful ease;

         In simple living they found true contented peace;

         No more bothered by hurried crushing schedule;

         Their dormant creative springs with instinctive insights

         Made them sing and dance with enthusiastic delight. 


10.   Their feelings rose with a fresh lease of life

        Their hidden hopes enlivened with new, rising dawn.

        Like flying birds or sprouting buds on the lawn.

        No more they felt restrained by rushing strife.   

       They felt the inner pulse and stood on their feet again.

       They need not compete now for luxuries vain.


11.   Too much dependence on machines will drain

        Our inner skills dry up and will rust

        Sheer sloth and craze for luxuries and lust

        Make us exhausted with stress and strain;

        Systems may be perfect but sometimes crack

        Robots may be perfect but sometimes rebel and attack.


12.   Be one with Nature and protect Her ever

        Machines, monstrous powers, keep them under control.

        Be not a slave to them; never lose your soul.

        With heartless machines destroy not Nature, never.

        Feel like a human being with blood and flesh.

        Don’t get stuck up like a fly in mechanical mesh.


                                                            Somaseshu Gutala

 This poem is not a tirade against machines and gadgets. Really, technology is an indispensable part of modern man's life. But in his craze for machines and technology and to make his life more comfortable and indolent, man should not become a slave to machines and technology and lose his self-thinking, creativity, traditional and moral values. Materialism and machines enslave man and kill man's humane qualities and empathy. Man should use his wisdom and sense of discrimination to make use of technology within limits and be on his guard to see that machines and technology should not snatch away his creative qualities and humane values. At the same time for every small thing, he should not take the help of machines. He should give priority to self-efforts and individual abilities. He should also think of employability of common people and should not use machines to take away their daily livelihood. Beware of machines and technology. Use them wisely within limits and don't waste your time at the expense of your precious God-given gifts. Do not make your children addicted to mobiles T.V.s and machines. Machines are created by creative intellect and original thinking, vision and imagination. If man gets addicted to machines, he will lose his creative intellect and originality. Then the progress of modern civilization will come to a dead end and progress will come to a dead stop.


   8th June, 2024                                          Somaseshu Gutala














Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Tale of Mallika, the maid-servant





1.    A village lass newly married worked as a maid

In a posh house in a big crowded town;

She felt herself a stranger unknown

By sheer fortune in workers’ quarters, she stayed. 

  2    Her name means a pure white bloom, yet

        Like moon hid in clouds she doth seem 

        A half-burnt wick of flame feeble and dim;

        She worked hard from sunrise to sunset.


3.    A slender young woman with complexion fair

Wearing a patched saree moving from door to door

Scrubbing vessels and cleaning the floor.

She spent her time never complaining of her cares.


4.    Though other servants did distance maintain

She knew her humble roots and worked a lot;

She tried to mingle with them and share her thoughts

Helping them unsought with no sense of gain.


5.    She tried to fit in with others as best as she could

She lived within her meagre means and did not waste

A single pie and never spent in haste

Her life riddled with problems seemed a pathless wood. 


6.    Patiently she bore rich people’s insults and taunts

Though she was treated harsh she kept her poise

Though meagre returns paid, she never raised her voice.

Restrained by her poor state and unfulfilled wants.


7.    Thrown off like a burden by her parents poor

Married off to a lazy drunkard rude

She slogged like a slave, no time to brood

For her growing troubles she found no cure.


8.    Her husband snatched away whatever she brought

And drank away and family he never cared;

Her entreaties he never listened but angrily glared

Using his brutal might her words he cared not.


9.    In his craze for a male child, he harassed his wife

Though burdened with two girls he still did aspire

Consulting a temple priest to quench his desire

Blind beliefs create unnecessary strife.


10.   His stubborn ways without forethought brought

  His whole family down to this sorry state

  For his grievous, superstitions, cruel fate

  Made his poor family suffer a lot.


11.   He cursed his stars when fate did otherwise decide

 Now burdened with three girls he saw his future lost

 Immersed in drink he breathed his last

 Collapsing like a wretched dog by wayside.


12   His wife now alone with a large family left

       Found no succor from in-laws and none to request

       Neighbors shunned her sight and treated her like a pest

       No properties she got but mounting debts. 


13.  In spite of hurdles and hardships she tried

      To survive- no use she thought to weep and fret

       Her children’s future she did not neglect

       She taught them to work hard and by rules abide.


14.  Know your status and means; act not in haste;

       Female or male – all are equal to God.

      Why crave for male kids? Beware of blind faith and fraud

      Egoistic acts disturb our happy domestic state.


    1st June, 2024                                  Somaseshu Gutala


Sunday, May 19, 2024




1           Nature too seems now dull and mute

          Has she become vexed with our attitude?

          Has she become averse to our treatment rude?

         Crammed by our selfish ways, she seems to refute

         Our so called ultra-modern living style

         Wherever man dwells, he tends to destroy and defile.


2.                     No poetic enchantments now we feel

       No heavenly mystical realms we see

       No holy meditations silent and free

       No musical wonders our voices reveal

       Nature seems static like a plastic bouquet in a jar

       Enslaved to tools, man moved away too far.


     3   Like machines we live and follow rigid rules

          Our acts and thoughts mechanized entire

          We bartered our souls, feelings and desires

          We made our children slaves to tools

          For wealth and power our own people we kill

          Desensitized kids view movies of murderous thrill 


    4.  Has Nature become lifeless and dead?

         Has she lost her charms and Promethean fire?

         No flash of noble thoughts she doth inspire;        

         Nature now viewed as stuff to garner wealth instead

         Why this perverted turn and empty phase?

         Why man like a beast drags his dull, dreary days?


 5.    In truth nature still shines in her pristine form

        Ever benign, bounteous with beautiful charm

        Our tarnished minds bereft of vision and calm

        Can’t view her with adoration and feelings warm.

        The modern world thinks eccentric and proud

        If man pours out his feelings in true colors loud.    


6.     We can’t speak out earnest from our hearts

        Behind the veneer of decency, our feelings we hide

        We tend to move with flow, not turn against the tide;

        In the vortex of dry routine, we are caught

        Bereft of free exchange, shrunken like frozen ice

        As civilized ones, we struggle to live in disguise.


            19-05-2024                  Somaseshu Gutala        



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

No Regrets


1.    We choose dreams which flit like cute butterflies

Sheer flying colors which seem so nice

Evading like floating snowflakes in wintry air

Provoking hidden hissing desires intense

They play like tempting glow-worms at our expense

                            No regrets ----

Time wipes them away foul or fair.


2.    We feel let down to see those vanishing mists

Within our mind; still, remain unending lists;

With growing age new hopes glimmer like distant stars;

With youthful zeal we leap unmindful of what we can

Ignoring present, we rush to grasp afar

                              No regrets----

Time shows what we deserve within our span.


3.    Our crooked crafty means lead us nowhere

Though winning it seems we have to bear

The ultimate ends—we can’t deceive;

Our grabbing minds our future can’t behold

We lose grip on what we possess and hold.

                              No regrets----

Time sets right our minds though we can’t perceive. 


4.    What we aim at we may not attain

New turns and twists to tread, no use to complain;

Though common it appears, our paths differ so wide;

No going back, stay firm and take them in your stride

Don’t judge yourself too low or high with egoistic pride;

                              No regrets---

Time knows what you deserve and then let time decide.


5.    Strange and mysterious our ends may seem

Far removed from what we cherish and dream;

Move with the changing times and do your best

With sincere efforts with no sense of greed

No binding concerns, no use to crib and fret;

                        No regrets----

Time knows your needs, play safe and proceed.


6.    No use to hanker and try to recapture past

Your past, a faded dream for ever lost;

You can’t impede Time’s swift and continuous flow;

You can’t undo what was done long ago;

Work with steady mind without tensions and sweating brow;

                            No regrets----

Just be yourself, whatever happens, let them go. 


7.    Impact of change seen everywhere

To persons and places; none Time will spare

Our earlier charms disappear soon like mist;

Our power, wealth and status subject to change

Old age curtails our caliber and range;

                    No regrets-----

Nothing, constant; losses and gains none can resist. 


8.    As age moves on, our stamina turns weak;

Our perceptions and senses become bleak;

Our health expenses multiply and grow;

Our links loosened, a lazy lonely feeling we feel

Some chronic complaints linger, incurable to heal

                  No regrets-----

Time ends all those troubles with life’s last show.


    08-05-2024               Somaseshu Gutala













Friday, May 3, 2024

Roses and the Moon





  Though you seem to deny my plea outright

  I blame Thee not; whom should I entreat, oh Lord!

 Whose firm support I seek, almighty God!

 None but Thee, Thou, unprecedented Power bright!

 Nothing happens without thy will and pleasure;

 Though dejected, can’t compel Thee to act

 Your will, insurmountable in fact;

  I can’t see the grace of Thy generous treasure;

 Like tidal waves Time swings our lives thrown up and down

 Into unexplorable depths beyond our thoughts;

 My past years wasted away like fallen leaves so soon

 Let me obey Thy will; no use to fret and frown;

 With growing age, life with many maladies fraught

 Be content; no craze for roses and the moon.

    03-05-2024                                    Somaseshu Gutala