Monday, July 1, 2024

This Night, a Bundle of Dreams




1.     Life seems a bundle of assorted dreams

 Though bitter and sweet, we can’t but taste;

  Our dreary routine may appear a purposeless waste

  A hidden meaning lies beyond what it seems;

  Every moment we spend awake or asleep

  Shapes our life, an abysmal plunge or a Titanic leap.


2.      Boys playing on the shell-scattered shore

  Building castles of sand with playful delight

  Building, unbuilding with joy-a mirthful sight;

  Little gods untouched by rocking roar

  Of ocean brought to my dreaming eyes

  My childhood days of innocence in tearful guise.


3.      They played with swelling waves and shells

  Sculpted in curves and painted designs

  Everything they watched as if to study Nature’s sign;

  The fairy tales and fables on them cast a magic spell

   With spontaneous laughter and vibrant zeal;

   Can our prejudiced bosoms oppressed likewise feel?


4.      Youth with wayward searching minds wanders free

  Gathering knowledge like a flying bee;

  He feels proud of his strength, laughing with glee;

  Outer charms catch his eyes, but too reckless to see

  Deep into true values, and takes to easy ways;

  Dreaming with high hopes fires his fancy always. 


5.     A possessive rebellious nature in youthful teens

Viewing others as passive and out of date;

He likes to pursue his goal and carve his fate

Some rise like stars with hard work and interest keen;

Some spoil their prospects by temptations vain;

Wasting time and causing parents stress and strain.


6.    At last compelled to work to earn his bread

Based on his efforts he has to play his part;

Differing so widely from what he dreamt and thought;

As age goes through ups and downs, he has to tread;

Some lucky ones learn lessons of life with ease

Others have to struggle till their temptations cease.


7.    They hanker after wealth, power and lust

 Even crossing moral bounds to satisfy their craze

 Competing with others in mad race with rage

 Even risking their health and letting their talents to rust

 Defending their stance, they maintain their distance

 From elders, with no change or repentance.


8.    Working in dreary routine many spend their years

Unconcerned about their inmost conscience’ advice

They struggle hard for gains, bound to worldly ties;

For them future is filled with uncertain fears;

They blatantly ignore their health in idle pleasures

To sit calm and contemplate they find no leisure. 


9.    Old people with trembling hands and unsteady gait

Sat in wistful mood confined to their cells.

Their eyes dimmed with memories tell

Their hasty mistakes and realization late

Weakened by age and bereft of bosom friends past

They seemed like old dwellings absorbed in glories lost.


 10     Incurable complaints pester them, no more strong; 

          Mounting medical bills made them feel insecure

          No more can they travel with confidence sure;

          They call back to their minds their lapses and wrongs;

           I felt disturbed to see their piteous plight;

 Shuddered, as if in a dreadful dream at night.


Titanic leap -- strong and powerful leap. According to Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful deities.


 1st July 2024                  Somaseshu Gutala











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